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iPhone Jailbreak � Get Siri To Read Tweets

Siri was introduced with iOS 5 and it has had mixed publicity. It does have its uses and recent improvements have broadened its functionality. Now you can get Siri to read new tweets in your timeline on your iPhone. This comes courtesy of TweetFeed which is a new jailbreak tweak by Devin LaFleur.

As far as voice recognition technology goes, there is a lot to be offered. TweetFeed is an intuitive little tweak and once you install it, it will allow your new tweets to be read out by Siri. At the moment it doesn't offer much more than this but as this is one of the developer's first projects, it does hold a lot of promise. You do have to give this tweak permission to access your device's Twitter accounts, and once you have you are ready to go. This tweak only reads the Tweets from the first account you give it so those of you with multiple accounts might be a little disappointed.

If it proves to be a popular tweak, we may see developer LaFleur add support for multiple accounts as well as the ability to read the newest tweet by a specific individual. We have tested TweetFeed ourselves and we have to say, that it works really well and if you feel like you have been neglecting Siri, this tweak will certainly give it a meaning once again.

If you fancy testing TweetFeed out for yourself, you will find it over at the Modmyi repository for free. It is definitely work checking out especially if you are big into Twitter.

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