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Why Are We Still Waiting For An Untethered iOS 6 Jailbreak?

The iPhone 5 along with iOS 6 was released back in September and the question on many people's lips is, why are we still waiting for an untethered iPhone 5 jailbreak? We hear you on this one and are happy to try and provide the answers.

One of the reasons that it takes so long for a jailbreak to be released has to be linked to the team that are working on the jailbreak. With the release of iOS 6 this timeframe has dramatically expanded. There could very well be a problem in finding all teh exploits that the Dev Teams need in order to prepare the long awaited iOS 6 jailbreak tool. This tool when released to the public needs to be user friendly.

At the moment, there is an iOS 6 jailbreak available for iPhone 4 users but this is a tethered jailbreak solution which means if the phone battery dies or the phone needs to be rebooted for any other reason, it can only be done when connected to a PC. An untethered jailbreak allows users to reboot their iPhone as normal which is why it is the preferred choice.

Going back to the iPhone 5 jailbreak, we are happy to report that PlanetBeing is in possession of an untethered iPhone 5 jailbreak running on iOS 6.0.2. We do however have to wait for this private jailbreak to be tweaked and worked out in order to make it available to the public. We are hoping that the news of Pod2g's return to the jailbreaking community will help to speed this up.

It could be that we will have to wait for the release of iOS 6.1 before we get an untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 5 and iOS 6. Until then, we will keep the news rolling and provide updates as soon as we receive them.

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