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iPhone 5 Untethered Jailbreak Ready On iOS 6.0.2 But More Work Needed On iOS 6.1

For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting news of an untethered iPhone 5 jailbreak for iOS 6 we think you will be very excited by what we have to tell you today. As we're sure you are aware, things have been very slow in the jailbreak department of late but we never gave up hope. Our hopes have now been answered and today we can report that an iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5 untethered is ready on iOS 6.0.2 but there is still some work to be done on iOS 6.1.

This news comes as developer Planetbeing took to Reddit to provide a little more insight on the current status of the all elusive iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5. Rather that just tweeting a 140 character post, Planetbeing decided to explain things in detail in the hope that Reddit users would have a deeper understanding of the technical aspect and intricacies involved in developing a jailbreak solution. The iOS 6 jailbreak isn't at the stage where it can be released to the public but the good news is that Planetbeing currently has an untethered solution running on his own iPhone 5 on iOS 6.0.2.

Planetbeing also took the opportunity to go into detail about what the iPhone 5 jailbreak isn't being released in its current state and he said that the current jailbreak that is being used on his iPhone 5 uses a particular exploit that the development teams believe will be around for a long time which will potentially grant them full access to future iOS release. If they were to release this jailbreak to the public now it would burn that exploit. This we have to say, makes sense considering that jailbreaking is getting tougher with each iOS update.

Planetbeing also went on to say that the reasons for not releasing this jailbreak are 1. because releasing it would burn an exploit that they want to save for themselves so that they can always get in to look at new firmware and help jailbreak in the future and 2. iOS 6.1 is coming very soon and it will likely break a small part of the jailbreak anyway so there is no point in sacrificing the many bugs it won't break.

He also went on to state that the current jailbreak on his personal iPhone 5 took the use of 4+ bugs to get the jailbreak into the state that it is currently in and a couple of additional bugs are still required in order to be able to release it to the public. So you can see, jailbreaking isn't dead, it is just going through a transitional stage and we here are delighted about this news. Patience really is a virtue and before long we will have our long awaited iPhone 5 jailbreak for iOS 6.

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