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How To Restore iOS 6.1.2 Device Without Losing Your Jailbreak

If you are someone that pays attention to all things jailbreaking, you will be aware that the current state when it comes to jailbreaking is not great. Currently, all A5+ devices cannot be jailbroken on the current iOS version which is 6.1.3 or 6.1.4. Apple has actually stopped signing the iOS 6.1.2 firmware which is the last firmware that is compatible with the Evasi0n untethered jailbreak.

This isn't a major problem for most jailbreakers because they can just choose not to update their firmware. However it does become an issue when you need to restore your device to stock iOS. You might need to doo this for a number of reasons such as a problem with certain packages or settings and until now, the only way to do this was to lose your untethered jailbreak.

Well, we have great news and it's called Semi-Restore. Semi-Restore is a Mac or PC application that brings a one click restore to your jailbroken device. The great thing about it, is that it doesn't erase your device's jailbreak. This is a really great tool and we are so excited that it has finally arrived. All you have to do is visit the Semi-Restore website and download the specific software for your operating system. Once you have completed this, you will be able to restore your iPhone without losing your jailbreak. This new application is compatible with all jailbroken iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches running iOS 5.0 right through to iOS 6.1.2.

This new tool is being welcomed by the entire iOS jailbreaking community. This really easy one click interface allows users to have as close to stock iOS on their jailbroken device. It is advised that you backup your device before you attempt this process to ensure that no critical data is lost during the restore. If however you are having problems with a totally bricked phone, it is better to do a totally clean instant and remove the added variable of a potential corrupt backup. We are delighted with the arrival of Semi-Restore and we are sure that many of our readers will be too.

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